I am blessed to have a great pastor. He also happens to be a great preacher, leader, and most importantly a friend.
We had a great conversation about some of the reasons why people seem to be drawn to our church. One reason we both agreed upon was his conviction concerning the Bible and the gravity that its truth carries.
Although its subtle, I think sometimes pastors can succumb to the pressures and routines of "doing church" and unfortunately forget about the power and authority that the teaching of scripture brings. I am not criticizing these pastors, if anything I empathize with them. Because honestly, I know that in my own daily life I will also forget about the power and authority that God's word offers for my life.
However, when a pastor (and I'll brag) like my pastor, truly believes that God means what he says in the Bible, and believes that God keeps his promises, this is a catalyst for spiritual growth. This isn't part of a 5 step process on how to grow a church, its just the way that God designed our souls.
Consider when you and your spouse or a close friend share a meaningful experience and you are able to converse about it with full honesty and engagement. This is similar to the sobering and humbling experience of hearing the word of God from someone who whole-heartedly believes that it will engage with you on a deep, life-changing level.
So I'll challenge you to examine your spiritual leaders. Are they totally sold out to the Word of God? When they talk about it are they just filling their allotted time? Are they preaching because they have to say something, or because they have something to say?
Of course, if you feel led to offer encouragement to your pastor in regards to these thoughts, be full of grace and seasoned with salt, just as your pastor encourages you.
"Crush the boxes, break the frames, dance off rhythm, don't be tamed"
I think if we could measure "realness" of the gospel that is preached in your church vs. other churches in this area you might have a more clear answer as to what is drawing people to your church. People today are seeking out a message that really means something. Not just another social event or club to belong to. But a real message. One that is different than what they have heard in the past. The ability to preach what he is led to preach, regardless of comfort level, provides that move of spirit that isn't happening in so many churches today.